Thursday, December 2, 2010

"So young, full of running...all the way to the edge of desire. Steady my breathing, silently screaming...I have to have you now."

I can sincerely say that I really don't enjoy tears. Yet, it seems that I have to endure through a lot of them. I don't know how it happens, I never see it coming. But, nevertheless, tears always find me.
  The tears found me this week as I found out one of my best friends....more like moving away from me. It's kind of hard to decipher this into blog form.

     I think the hardest part about this is knowing that when I pass her room she won't be in there. She won't be around to give the best hugs when I'm happy....or sad.........or just trying to annoy her :) Gosh, I look at this situation and I kind of space out just thinking about how much things are really going to change. Lame sauce. Usually people will say," You've changed me for the better". I can't really say that about Rachel. I can say something better. True friends don't change you. They hold you when you're learning harsh lessons. They help you along the path of life. And they influence you no matter how much or how little they try. The true definition of a friend is someone who will love on you no matter how many mistakes you have made, are making, or will make in the future.

     The bad thing about growing that people leave. The good's not forever. While I really really feel like I'm losing right now, I also know that there's no way Rachel Walker will ever leave my life. Partially because I won't let her, partially because she won't let me :) But mostly because she has influenced my life so much that the changes in my heart, due to her, will always remind me that she is still here. And while it may feel like a whole lot is crashing down right now for those of us here.....we shouldn't be surprised that we are left in the dust of the ambitious runner ;) Those who are full of honor and integrity and ambition just cannot be held back. Loss and gain. Lesson learned.

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