Friday, January 28, 2011

“Hell is yourself and the only redemption is when a person puts himself aside to feel deeply for another person.” -Tennessee Williams

I started this entry when I found out that a girl close to one of my family members had attempted suicide and been admitted to Greenleaf, a center for psychiatric and substance abuse treatment. I was thinking about how many people I've known that have either been in a rehab center, or a stress center, or been hospitalized for overdose and/or attempted suicide. It's a pretty significant number. A number far higher than I would really like.

I cannot figure we miss this so much. We have so many answers, so many remedies, and yet we are still so ignorant towards the broken. It's almost as though it's a task to extend a little hope someone's way. Like it's to much effort to try and open someone's eyes to a life worth living. No offense but, what good are you to us if you are that conceited....or that busy....or that insignificant? There is a band called Atlantic that I have seen on tour multiple times, and on their tour bus they have the words, " We have the bread to feed the world, how dare we keep it to ourselves" inscribed around the entire thing.

We have so much knowledge, and so many resources. There's no way that everyone in this girl's life can say, "I didn't see any signs at all". I refuse to believe that. The problem is not the fact that she attempted suicide, it's the fact that no one tried to help her.

World Health Organization recently put out a statistic approximately 1 million people a year, will die from suicide. What are we doing here?

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