Friday, October 22, 2010


Dear Heart,
   If I could tell you something without you judging me, I would tell you I pray for you every night. If I could do anything my heart desired, I would love you relentlessly. If I could tell you something that would change your life, and know without a doubt that you would believe it, I would tell you that God made you, and He loves you. If I could tell you all these things and know that we would still be the best of friends, I would. I would, not because you aren't a good person, you are a far better person than I will ever be. I would because I love you. And for me, there has been no greater realization than that of Christ's love for me. I have to believe in something. I have to have hope and faith. we can't just be here because we are. We can't be. I know that I know that I know, the Father shows me love that no other person ever could. I know that. And although I can't convince you there is a God, more the less one that actually cares for you, I only wish you could know this heaviness in my heart for you. Not because you aren't happy, or maybe you aren't, but because there is such a great and bountiful amount of joy and peace found in God that I know for a fact nothing and no one else can give to me. I've tested. I've tried. There is no greater love. Dear friend, if I could let you know all these things, without risking losing you, I would. I need you to know that there is something greater. I need you to know the reason and purpose I have found. I want nothing else for you, than this absolute resolution I find in Christ.

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