Friday, September 10, 2010

The Silence

Lately I’ve been relying on prayer a lot to just get me through the day….and the night. I find that God is really the only one I can truly rely on to always be there, no matter what. Sometimes it’s really hard to find a place to pray on my own, away from people. I realize that when I pray I like to go somewhere where no one knows where I am or can find me. I found it interesting that all throughout Mark the scripture says, “They went away, to a remote place by themselves” (Mark 6:31, 6:32, 6:46-47, 7:33). I love just being able to walk away from everything, hands down, and talk to the Lord in the quiet. Sometimes I feel that being able to be alone outside allows us to see a different kind of beauty that the Lord is always trying to show us. When we take time just to be alone with Him, in his presence, and see all the things he has created and how much love He shows us through that simple beauty of creation. We open up our lives to a newness no one can fully comprehend. We allow ourselves to enter a new level of vulnerability: one that includes the Father, who created us to be ourselves and to be lovely. There are so many things that aren’t visible to the naked eye when you’re constantly running to and fro, back and forth. Sometimes we just need to stop and be still. We need to take time to understand just how deep the Father’s love is for us, and how much compassion and understanding He truly wants to lay upon us. When we go off by ourselves to be in the presence of God He allows us to see things that enable us to keep going day by day. Most of the time I get so caught up in what the world is telling me, I forget that the same power that conquered the grave is in me. I forget that with Christ all things are possible, and that my Lord, my father is always with me. In the silence He reminds me of that. In the silence He allows me to see that he is the only way, and my only Savior. And it is because of this that I love to enter the silence with my God.

Come join the song, lift your voice
As heaven and earth give praise
Fall to your knees, at the feet
Of the Son of The One True God
Turn from old ways, lift your eyes
For the kingdom of God is here
Open your heart, offer all
For Jesus Christ is here
Oh now

We have found our hope

We have found our peace
We have found our rest
In the One who Loves
He will light the way
He will lead us home
As we offer all
To the One who saves us

Call on the Name, that is hope

Jesus the Son of God
Lord over all, He is good
And His mercy endures

His love endures

Forever His love endures
Forever His love endures
Forever and ever 

~Hillsong, The One Who Saves

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